10 Useful people and things to know
Below are useful people to know in the team when you get stuck:
Have a problem with the servers? Hez.
Need access to a database?
Information governance training: Lydia Underdown
Specific access to database: Hez. & Antonella (you must get approval from your line manager and cc your line manager when requesting access to databases)
Need access to teams channels? Mahki or line manager
Have a question about a database and/or mapping? Teen & Antonella
Need help booking flights/accommodation/admin/submitting a paper? Mahki, Sachi, Francesca (on mat leave)
Work related issue? Line manager and/or HR
Health related issue? Line manager and/or HR
Holidays: Please take all your entitled annual leave otherwise you will lose it!. At the moment, for wellbeing of individuals, the department will NOT allow you to carry over leave to the next year apart from exceptional circumstances (holiday year runs from 1st October to 30th Sept).
Overworking: As a team we do not endorse overworking i.e. working outside normal working hours, weekends etc. If you receive emails/teams notifications outside of normal working it is NOT expected for you to respond (unless it is life or death..which work rarely is).